Right from the day I was born I knew the importance of water to health besides, more than 70% of the human body consist of water so who am I not to take water as paramount.
However many at times I figured out I could do without using water for at least 24 hours, but something happened to me some days ago.
I lost my smart phone in the early hours of the day, words cannot explain how I felt. Immediately my countenance changed, it wasn't the cost of the phone that was the problem but my daily routine on that smartphone which includes: receiving and replying emails on the go, my random tweets, skype conversations I have with friends and business partners in different locations, writing and posting on my blog, I could go on and on the list is endless.
I realized I could not do without the internet for an hour as against doing without water and whether you believe it or not we have similar species of people like me all over the world.
What am simply saying is that no matter what you do or any sector you find yourself you need to catch this bug it more viral than you think.
Watch out for part 2 of Water is life internet connects life here.
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